How Modules Are Influencing Education in the Kananga School District

Technology and internet access are frequently cited as major issues for students studying at home in the Philippines. The government does not provide technology, and internet access is a major issue. It began in the year 2020, and students in Kananga are still under lockdown and must continue to study at home. Teachers can, however, print learning materials called "Modules" for their students, and parents can pick them up at school. Teachers face numerous challenges, such as obtaining an internet connection in order to print modules for their students, as well as traveling to different barrios with difficult roads and mountainous terrain to conduct performance reviews on their students. Parents are also having difficulties, particularly those who have been left to teach their children despite having no teaching background and having not been educated themselves.

During the pandemic's difficult period, modular distance learning was implemented. Teachers must be innovative in order to provide a roadmap for their students. Emergency Roadmap-Basic Education Learning Contingency Plan, as well as a new curriculum-Most Essential Learning Competencies, to be learned and taught outside of the classroom. During enrollment, parents must complete the Survey Learning Enrolment Form, which is one of the criteria for selecting this type of learning modality. This modular distance learning offers individualized instruction, allowing learners to use Self Learning Modules in print, digital, or electronic format, whichever is appropriate for the learner. Teachers may, however, provide supplemental learning resources for students to use at home. Parents, as home learning facilitators, play an important role in the education process.

In the midst of the pandemic crisis, parents and teachers continue to work hard to help students progress with their education, and parents continue to support their child's ability to learn.

CMA 11/12/2021

(Parents lining up to pick up their children’s modules from school).